48回払いまで金利0% [ 54回 1%/60回 2% /84回 5% ]
板目取りのメイプルネックは程よく厚みを持たせた Landau 63 Custom "C"シェイプのネックグリップとなり、7.25ラディアスに6105フレットの組み合わせ。木材などの基本スペックは63スタイルですが、ピックアップには長年評価の高いハンドワウンドのFat 50sをマウント。
Body Material: 2P Light Weight Alder
Body Finish: Lacquer
Neck Material: Plain Grain Maple
Neck Finish: Lacquer
Fingerboard: 3A Rosewood / Round
Neck Shape: Landau 63 Custom "C"
Fingerboard Radius: 7.25
Fret: 6105
Pickup: Custom Shop Hand-Wound Fat 50s ST×3
Control: 5 Way
重量: 3.48Kg
- クロサワ楽器横浜店 -
220-0005 神奈川県横浜市西区南幸1-3-1 横浜岡田屋モアーズ4F
TEL 045-317-3711
E-Mail hama@kurosawagakki.com
We will be able to ship musical instruments that made with Indian Rosewood from November 26 due to the amendments to CITES Appendix II.
*Brazilian Rosewood, listed on CITES appendix I, still continuously unavailable for interntaional shipping.
Always packing carefully, and shipping items to you!
We always welcome your visit to Japan, of course our store as well.
Our staffs help you to provide any support.
Please feel free to contact to hama@kurosawagakki.com
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