Part number: 490-1018True sport performance shocks
Feature a high-pressure monotube with deflective disc-damping technology hand threaded pre-load and rebound adjustment
Linear rate spring allows riders to fine tune the damping and consistently withstand extreme temperature ranges and heavy loads
Engineered jounce bumper and cup also help smooth out and control bottoming
Made in the U.S.A
All shocks are measured center-of-eyelet to center-of-eyelet
A shock which is slightly longer than stock may alter the head angle slightly and provide somewhat quicker steering
A shock which is slightly shorter than stock may alter the head angle slightly and provide somewhat slower steering
For OEM shock lengths see Quick Reference Guide in the back of the catalog
Heavy Duty Applications are recommended for bikes that are operated at or near the manufacturers maximum load rating over 50% of the time
Before purchasing or attempting to install shocks that are different than the OEM length confirm that your wheel travel can be altered without causing clearance issues such as swingarm/axle to exhaust contact as well as chain/belt guard or tire contract
Shock is longer than stock. Clearances and Drive Belt slack must be checked and rectified prior to installation.
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